Arrival Mon 6 May
Departure Tue 7 May


Gitchi, Gitchi, Ya, Ya, Da, Da

“Gitchi, Gitchi, Ya, Ya, Da, Da,“ is coming as a sound out of the kitchen, while Amanda waddles downstairs. “Gitchi, Gitchi? Gitchi, Gitchi!” she quacks full of glee, as she enters the kitchen furiously, because she knows exactly, what this means! She gives the breakfast waitress a fright.


“Amanda, how many times have I told you not to shamble in here like a storm trooper? Every month the same old story, and every month you frighten me to death! You ought to be ashamed of yourselves!” While she chatters on madly, she takes a fuming hot pot from the stove. “Yeah, but you know how much I love to help you, hun, “ Amanda chuckles while waddling over and onto the table. “Oh, look at this, all the jam and marmalade glasses are already lined-up, “ Amanda screams joyously. “Up until now, they are only empty glasses, in fact, “ says the chef, “they’ll turn into marmalade glasses once I fill in our home-made marmalade.” She carries the pot full of tasty marmalade over to the table, before she continues: “And while we are at it, in fact, you are just here to pinch a bit – you are the only duck with a sweet tooth, teeth at all, come to think of it,” she says half-jokingly while she slowly fills the glasses with jam and marmalade. “So don’t even think about dipping your wings in it, it’s for our guests, and not for cheeky ducks.” She turns her back on Amanda, as she needs to be careful in fulfilling her task. She cannot look after a duck having her munchies for jam.


Amanda is indignant, she loves the homemade breakfast treat! “In addition,” she utters all up in wings, one might say, while jumping on top of a glass, “nobody wants to tell me secret recipe, so all I got left is to pinch a bit!” To emphasize her despair, she violently points with her wings, which causes her to lose her balance.


“Oops,” is the last thing she says, before her whole head disappears in jam. The breakfast-waitress turns around, and bursts out in laughter: “Are you Lady Marmalade Amanda, now? Just that you haven’t quite gotten the idea of rouge in Moulin Rouge, uh?” Amanda couldn’t care less for a movie quiz at the moment, she’s in heaven. Joyfully she licks the jelly off her beak…

Until we cover the duck again – or she covers herself – we shall duck and cover….


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